Under 1 year:
Formula? Switch brands. Try avoid.
Tongue Tie: need to rule out or if hx may still need integration.
Use 1 tsp of Aloe Vera Concentrate in bottle. Can also dip finger in it and have baby suck. This is to “get it out”.
Probiotic: Klaire. Under 6 months Dip finger. Over 6 months: add full amount to bottle/drink. May need to work up slowly in amount.
Mom: take out gluten and dairy, possibly eggs. Watch introduction of solids.
Over 1 year:
Eat Calm. Make sure they are sitting and eating, especially toddlers. If you can get them to do it : hum, blow on pinwheel, bubbles, etc for vagal tone
Chew food thoroughly. It should resemble consistency of applesauce prior to swallowing.
Squatty Potty
Digestive enzyme. Vital Zymes. Start with ½ pill. Color of bm tells you if stomach acid low: should be medium brown. If light brown or gray then needs more stomach acid. Same if putrid smell to bms, or really gassy. (RESETS)
Prebiotic and/or probiotic. Especially if history of antibiotic use or thrush/candida/yeast.
Start with ½ pill crushed into food (applesauce works great) (RESETS)
Magnesium Citrate: can be deficient in Mg, especially if picky eater. Start 200 mg and then work up 400mg. Use short term to get it out
Aloe Vera: 1 tsp can be used to “push stuff out” Also soothes the stomach lining. Best for babies and little kids. Use short term to get it out
Heather’s Tummy Fiber: can be used as a “hail mary” to push stuff out. This is probably the best when you just need to get poop out!!!!
May need to eliminate gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, etc. Food testing.
Make sure drinking plenty of WATER
Can try ileocecal massage (ask for handout)
Can try Vagal Stim (ask for handout)