chiro care

Balancing Exercises


BALANCING EXERCISES  30 second stands: This is the easiest to perform and one of the first things we recommend after an ankle sprain.   Barefoot, stand on one leg for 30 seconds without wobbling/excessive movement of the foot/ankle.  Then switch sides. Repeat 3 times. I recommend bending the opposite knee (like a stork) to make it [...]

Balancing Exercises2023-02-22T11:06:58-06:00

Difficulty Sleeping?


Sleep Tips Sleep. It sounds simple and yet is a struggle for so many. Did you know there are several clues that the body leaves that can help you determine how to improve your sleep quality and get a better night’s rest? • What time do you wake up? If you frequently wake up between [...]

Difficulty Sleeping?2023-02-22T11:06:41-06:00



BREASTFEEDING  If you have general questions regarding positions, etc, please consult a lactation consultant. Make sure you are draining one breast fully before moving to the next breast. This makes sure they get protein and not just sugar from foremilk. Helps with colic and reflux. Supply Issues Rule out tongue/lip tie.  For information and post [...]




CONSTIPATION  Under 1 year: Formula? Switch brands. Try avoid. Tongue Tie: need to rule out or if hx may still need integration. Use 1 tsp of Aloe Vera Concentrate in bottle. Can also dip finger in it and have baby suck. This is to “get it out”. Probiotic: Klaire. Under 6 months Dip finger. Over [...]


Tongue Tie Symptoms


Mom’s Symptoms: Cracked and bleeding nipples Milk supply-decreased and over supply Drop in supply especially at 3 months Misshapen nipples/lipstick deformity Mastitis and/or clogged ducts Prolonged feedings Vasospasms-white marking on nipple immediately after feeding Fatigue, anxiety, and depression Baby’s Symptoms: Pops on and off breast, Shallow latch Clicking while nursing Reflux or colic Poor weight [...]

Tongue Tie Symptoms2022-11-08T15:06:17-06:00
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